• High Fiber

  • Ultra Low Carb

  • Plant-Based Protein

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A Smart Way to Start the Day

Fenuflakes are debittered defatted flakes of fenugreek seeds high fiber ultra-low-carbs, plant-based protein can be mixed in your daily meals enriching the nutrients value.

Just like long term investments are important to keep your money safe, investing in a healthy lifestyle is very important in living your life to the fullest (Potential). When you buy a pack of Fenuflakes®, we believe that you are investing in your health and not just buying another product. 

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Fenuflakes are debittered defatted flakes of fenugreek seeds high fiber ultra-low-carbs, plant-based protein can be mixed in your daily meals enriching the nutrients value. Just like long term investments are important to keep your money safe, investing in a healthy lifestyle is very important in living your life to the fullest (Potential). When you buy a pack of Fenuflakes, we believe that you are investing in your health and not just buying another product.